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鳞 把手 Scale handle
鳞 把手,是受到“国家艺术基金”的委托,将传统掐丝填彩工艺进行当代运用,作为日常生活中最多使用的金属配件,门把手几乎是无处不在,掐丝填彩工艺过去多运用在瓶身等贵重物品的表面上,把手则增加了工艺的使用范围,将非遗技艺重新在生活中使用起来,才是振兴非遗技艺的核心。
The scale handle was commissioned by the National Arts Foundation and uses the traditional filigree filling technique in a contemporary way. As the most commonly used metal accessory in daily life, door handles are almost everywhere. In the past, the filigree filling technique was often used. Used on the surface of valuable items such as bottles, the handles increase the scope of use of the craft. Reusing intangible cultural heritage skills in daily life is the core of revitalizing intangible cultural heritage skills.

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